Little Things

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Heart Day

Many of people tell me they love me on a regular basis, if not with words than with actions.  Yesterday was another one of those days….times infinity.  The day started with tricking Greg.  He was borrowing my parking pass for the day and I had asked to have his spare key, in case I could borrow his car instead of waiting for my sister’s class to finish (I don’t even have class on Monday’s…no reason to go to campus). At 5am I put heart window stickers all over his car windows.  He promises he will never fall for that again…LOVE.
On Sunday, us girls, made cupcakes for the ones we love.  I have already linked this website for the recipe before, but this time we actually followed the entire thing, start to finish.  “Thank you” and “darn you” to my dear friend Amy for introducing me to this website which will forever cause me to spend way too much time baking cupcakes.  I can’t even begin to explain the process so here are some pictures…LOVE in a cupcake.  We delivered some of this love all throughout the day, saving some for Matt and Greg at some point in the evening.

           Then off to work.  As a waitress, Valentine’s Day is one of the longest days.  The restaurants stay open later than usual, every server GETS to work for the day, and people are all about how they can save the most money for the largest quantity of food (not to mention that most guys have already spent their budget on the gift, and they don’t want to add in the price of dinner).  I am suddenly fearing sounding like a cynic, so back to the good stuff…LOVE.

Matt W. and Greg had kicked poor Makenna out of our house while I was at work.  Only a mere 5 hours.  When I called to say I was off, they called Makenna saying she could come home.  We met each other at our own front door step and had to knock to enter.  A very strange concept by the way, to knock on your own front door.  Our house smelled amazing, two bouquets of flowers were set on our table, red candles (which we did not previously own) were lit, and a message was written on our table cloth, and the table was set…LOVE.
*In case I have failed to mention this before, our table cloth is made of chalk fabric.   We can write on our table with any stick of chalk we so desire and wash it off whenever we would like. 
They had cooked us dinner!  It was delicious!!!  They had it all figured out…salad, corn on the cob, steak, wine; the whole works.  Maybe we should have them cook more often, although we did conclude that we know why they enjoy coming over for a good meal…it was really nice.  I cannot continue to tell you with words how amazing it was, so I will add more pictures instead…since they are worth 1,000 words…LOVE.