Little Things

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Life as an engaged girl is very exciting, let me tell you.  I have realized at many times that the next time 'said thing' happens, I will be married.  Things like:
  • The next flight we take together...HONEYMOON!
  • The next Christmas card sent out.
  • The next time I buy furniture.
  • The next time I take down the Christmas Tree (which I have still yet to do this year).
  • The next 4th of July party at my parents house.
  • The next time I decorate a home...our home.
I am sure the list could continue, but you get the point. 

Another detail of our engagement that I would like to share with you is our picture shoot with my dear friend Stefani Ortiz.  I lived with Sefani for two years before she was a married woman.  I was a bridesmaid in her wedding.  She will be a bridesmaid in my wedding.  I love this woman.  Stefani is also a photographer.  As our photographer for our wedding is from Oregon, engagement pictures had to be by someone else.  Who better than a dear friend that has journeyed with us through our relationship?  She was my roommate when Greg was continuously asking me out on dates, before I said ok.  She helped convince me that I looked just fine before I answered the door for our first date.  She is also the one that conspired against me so that on the morning of my 21st birthday, his fraternity could come into our apartment to sing me happy birthday; while I was in my pajamas.  Needless to say, she has always been on my side, but Greg won her over too and she bounced back and forth depending on which side she found more fun at the moment.   

After the blog title yesterday of "pictures" she commented that I have yet to post the engagement pictures.  I must apologize for their late posting, she did take these quite a while ago.  But it is not because I didn't love each picture she took.  I have spent countless hours enjoying each moment of each picture.  These are just a few of our favorites.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. 
Great...aren't they?!  Thanks Stefani!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Ok, so I promise I have been taking the pictures everyday, just not posting them.  I have been reminded by a few people that I haven't posted them.  Now they are posted!  You should check out my calendar. 

Jan 2012

Each photo has a short caption on the bottom of them.  I am still figuring out this post a photo-a-day thing is going to work.  Let me know what you think!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Challenge

Over the past year, so much has happened. I suppose I don't really need to recap those moments because you either experienced them with me or have already read about them.  Thanks for all unforgettable those moments!

Now for the future, it is now 2012.  It even feels crazy to type that.  This is the year I will become a wife to the man I love.  I will graduate college (again) I will be a grown-up according to my mom.  I will decorate a house that I will be Mrs. Hessler in.  I am sure so many other things will happen as well and I can't wait to experience life.

Along with living life, I want to be cautious to remember each moment and not take moments for granted.  To mix things up with my blog I am going to challenge myself to a "picture a day" blog this year.  (along with some friends) Now, I will be honest, I am planning to blog 1x per week with the weeks pictures.  (Just to clarify that I am not promising to blog each day).  These pictures could be of anything, using my phone, my camera, Greg's phone, anything to capture the moments.

So here I begin, with my picture for today.  This is the man I get to marry June 23, 2012 (THIS YEAR!).  I am thrilled to be by his side for the rest of my life and could not have picked a better way to ring in the new year.  (notice the time on the clock? It is after 12 and therefore on Jan 1, 2012.  Happy New Year!  I hope you enjoy this years adventure of mine through photographs.

Year End

Ok, Christmas was fantastic and in my world, not yet over. I get to spend Christmas with my parents next week when I fly home with my sister, her boyfriend Riley, and my wonderful Fiancé. Christmas is one of my favorite times if the year and I love spreading the season as long as possible.
As promised, I will fill you in from last Friday. While I was home I got to go to the Jordan Christmas party, which is an annual occasion for me. I was blessed to be apart of this event once again. Thank you Jordan's, Agaba's, and Nelson's.
Next it was Christmas Eve Coffee with Grandma and Papa. Another wonderful blessing! I love when they come to Fresno and we can all catch up.
Off to Bakersfield was the next step for our Christmas adventures. We had dinner at Greg's sister Dee's house where I was wonderfully blessed into the family and got my first card with "sister" on it from a brother-in-law (almost). Cool...I have 2 brothers now.
Christmas Day we had dinner with Greg's dad. Another great meal with great company!
Monday after Christmas we took Greg's niece Taylor and nephew Logan to Magic Mountain for the day. They are 12 & 9 and Logan is just now tall enough to ride the biggest rides, he wasn't very thrilled, but we convinced him the rides were worth the games at the end of the day.
Last night Greg took me to the Straight No Chaser show. Dear friends Makenna, Matt, Anukina, and Daniel also came as well. What an incredible experience to be with friends and my favorite group for the evening. We got all dressed up and had a ball! We then headed to the Markarian's house to ring in the new year...and we certainly accomplished that! Happy New Year to you all.