Little Things

Sunday, March 13, 2011


TEAM sports ended yesterday.  For this I have my joys and tears.
                For those of you that do not know, for the past 8 weeks I have been a ref for 4-year-old basketball games.  Yes, I know, I have no basketball skills, I have never played basketball in my life (other than PIG in the driveway with dad), and I am still not tall enough to be a basketball player.  BUT, in the words of Matt Markarian: “it’s more like herding cats.”  You have no idea how true this is. 
Here is how the games are set up:
o   8 kids on a team
o   4 play at a time
o   4, 6 minute quarters
o   Parents coach the teams and are allowed on the court throughout the game
o   5’ hoops (yes, even I can dunk on these hoops)
o   15 minutes of practicing drills before the game begins
o   4 games every Saturday the first beginning at 8:30am
o   Lots of yelling individual names to get everyone to the other side of the court
o   Lots of yelling in general

I think that gives you enough of the specifics to get the gist of the game.

So needless to say, other than the being at church at 7:30 in the morning on a Saturday, I have loved every moment of it.  This is the first time I have been a ref for basketball, but last year I was ref for soccer and t-ball (both sports I feel much more comfortable with) and I loved it then too. 
Anyway, 4-year-olds are priceless and have some fantastic things to say throughout the season.  I have decided to simply share with you my favorite lines from the middle of the court instead of explaining more details of my work. Remember – these are 4-year-olds! lol

Me: Pass! Pass! Pass!
Player: But I can make it without my team!
Me: Part of playing on a team is sharing with your team.
Player: But I make it; she misses.

Me: Watch the ball, not the clock.
Player: The clock is better.

Me: You can’t hold my hand and play basketball at the same time, you should let go.
Player: But I’m only allowed to dribble with one hand, my other one can hold yours.

Me: You can’t take the ball out of his hands.
Player: But he isn’t on my team and dad told me to get the ball.
Me: But when you are playing you have to get the ball when he is passing.
Player: That’s not how dad plays at home.
Me: Well that is how we play here.
Player: I like dad’s game better.

*I watched this happen:
Joey made a basket.  He looked to his dad, kissed his hand and blew his dad the kiss.  Dad responded with the same blown kiss back. 

*This morning at church:
Me: Good Morning Troy.
Troy to his parent: How does she know my name?
Me:  I just played basketball with you yesterday, that’s how I know your name.
Troy: You look different.
*Now, I am not sure how I am supposed to take this information: either I look terrible on Saturdays in my t-shirt and sweats at 7:30 in the morning; or I looked extra pretty at church this morning.  I am choosing to go with the latter, unfortunately I believe it is probably closer to the first.

                The list could go on and on with great memories I have with these kids.  My tears will be waiting for the next season when I get to see these youngins’ again and play with them again.  The joy will come when I can finally sleep in past 7am any day of the week.  (Not this Saturday though, it is Acquire the Fire Time.  This means not only being up at 7, but also all night the night before…YIPEE!!)

P.S. Amazing Race fans…DANG??  I hate when it is TO BE CONTINUED……..

1 comment:

elise leighann said...

Haha, this made me laugh and miss being around children. How precious. My favorite one was the "But i make it. she misses."