A few weeks ago, I disclosed information that Greg had never seen the wonderful movie Marry Poppins. “Winds in the east, mist coming in. Like somethin' is brewin' and bout to begin.” (-Bert) The adventure began, and we can scratch that off the list of things he had never done before. We watched it last night! I cooked dinner and Gerald, Greg and I watched the movie as we ate. We were a great team in the kitchen. We make a bit of magic because, “It’s easy! Let’s see…You think. You wink. You do a double blink. You close your eyes…and jump!” (-Bert) Ok, not quite magic, but it was a great meal.
Just as I remember it being, it is such an incredible movie. You just can’t help but laugh.
Uncle Albert:
I love to laugh, loud and long and clear, I love to laugh, It's getting worse ev'ry year
The more I laugh, the more I fill with glee and the more the glee, the more I'm a merrier me
It's embarrassing! The more I'm a merrier me!
Mary Poppins:
Some people laugh through their noses, sounding something like this "Mmm..."
I love to laugh, loud and long and clear, I love to laugh, It's getting worse ev'ry year
The more I laugh, the more I fill with glee and the more the glee, the more I'm a merrier me
It's embarrassing! The more I'm a merrier me!
Mary Poppins:
Some people laugh through their noses, sounding something like this "Mmm..."
Some people laugh through their teeth goodness sake, hissing and fizzing like snakes
Some laugh too fast, some only blast - ha! Others, they twitter like birds, then there's the kind, what can't make up their mind
Uncle Albert:
When things strike me as funny I can't hide it inside, and squeak - as the squeakelers do, I've got to let go with a ho-ho-ho... and a ha-ha-ha...too!
Some laugh too fast, some only blast - ha! Others, they twitter like birds, then there's the kind, what can't make up their mind
Uncle Albert:
When things strike me as funny I can't hide it inside, and squeak - as the squeakelers do, I've got to let go with a ho-ho-ho... and a ha-ha-ha...too!
We love to laugh, loud and long and clear, we love to laugh so ev'rybody can hear
We love to laugh, loud and long and clear, we love to laugh so ev'rybody can hear
The more you laugh, the more you fill with glee and the more the glee, the more we're a merrier we!
*I would like to add that some people laugh with a higgledy-piggledy too.
We certainly were a merry bunch. However, I cannot reveal all the details of the movie night, because Gerald claims he and Greg would lose a "man card". So, “I’d like to make one thing quite clear: I never explain anything” (Ok, not true, but for today we will use Mary Poppins’ words instead). Gerald says the man card is already gone, just by his name included….sorry Gerald and Greg.
“Never was there a more happier crew, than them what sings Chim Chim Chiree Chim Chiroo! Chim Chim Chiminy Chim Chim Chiree Chim Chiroo...” (-Bert)
Ok, so I must admit…I fell asleep. This is a usual occurrence for me during a movie, but I woke up and was certainly bummed that I fell asleep. I would like to think I could blame it on that song, but I think I fell asleep before that scene. Stay awake, don't rest your head. Don't lie down upon your bed. While the moon drifts in the skies... Stay awake, don't close your eyes. Though the world is fast asleep, though your pillow's soft and deep, you're not sleepy as you seem; stay awake, don't nod and dream... Stay awake... don't nod... and... dream. (-Mary Poppins)
Whatever you do, don’t forget “Anything can happen if you let it. Anything can happen if you just imagine. If you chase your dreams you won’t regret it.” (-Mary Poppins)
I will leave you will this and I apologize if I get this stuck in your head:
Oh, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious, if you say it loud enough, you’ll always sound precocious! Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
“You know, you *can* say it backwards, which is "docious-ali-expi-istic-fragil-cali-rupus" - but that's going a bit too far, don't you think?” (-Marry Poppins)
“Indubitably!” (-Bert)
“Indubitably!” (-Bert)
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