*So, on my 13th birthday I got my ears pierced.
At 16 I got second holes directly behind the first holes. I had wanted these for a while and my dad constantly said no. I think the words he used were, "Why would you want another set of holes in your head?" Then Mom decided that she wanted them as well, so I won! I got them done with Mom. I have never been satisfied with the placement of these second holes. Girls you will understand this, boys...bear with me...the second holes are so close to the first holes that I cannot wear two pair of studded earrings...they simply don't fit.
That was 7, nearly 8, years ago...and I have been disappointed ever since. So, for the past few months, I have been thinking about doing it over. Letting the second holes close and piercing them again further back.
Mom was here last weekend. She has the straightest eye of everyone I have ever known, so I asked her to come with me and did it. I remembered it being far more painful, stressful and nerve-racking. It was nothing like that. Piece of cake!
**Here you go Dad - Referring to something as a "piece of cake" is often used to describe a situation that was easy, or required little effort. The idea of cake being “easy” originated in the 1870’s when cakes were given out as prizes for winning competitions. In particular, there was a tradition in the US slavery states where slaves would circle around a cake at a gathering. The most “graceful” pair would win the cake the in middle. From this the term “cake walk” and “piece of cake” came into being, both meaning that something was easy to accomplish. The term was first used in print in 1936 by Ogden Nash who wrote, “Her picture’s in the papers now, and life’s a piece of cake.” Today the term is commonly used to describe tests at school, or friendly competitions.
Now, holes fixed. Happy to wear two studs. Why didn't I do this years ago?