Little Things

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

1st-Prince Charming...2nd-The Carriage

I am still in future bride bliss.  I will be the first to admit that I often catch myself staring at this beautiful ring on my finger.  I have been on pinterest (I'm sorry to inform you of your newest addiction if you are not yet it).  Anyway, I have been on pinterest for quite some time, and yet I find myself unable to leave the wedding & events section. I have been making plans and writing my first list (I'm sure there are many more to come) of all the things I want to get started on. 
And now, I will admit that even my pumpkin reflects my new found emotion of future bride.  We craved pumpkins last Friday night.  Before I get to what I carved, let me tell you, never before have I carved a pumpkin outside at 8pm in a t-shirt.  I went to a pumpkin patch in a T-SHIRT!!! Sheesh! I had to put on a scarf just to remind myself that it really is October and almost Thanksgiving. 

Ok, so with bride on the brain, I will say again that I have officially found my Prince Charming.  I am so blessed to have this wonderful man by my side.  I am thrilled for the day that I can call him my husband and I am excited to spend these next few months planning that day.  
*I really did find a white pumpkin to carve!

Every girl deserves her Prince Charming.
I found mine.
Every girl should get her Cinderella carriage to ride to the adventure of her life.  
I made mine.
*Greg's pumpkin took far more work than mine.
And you can't possibly carve pumpkins alone, so here are some of the many other great ones at the BYOP (Bring Your Own case you were still trying to figure it out) Party the Garrison's hosted.

*There's at least one in every bunch....

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Surprise...The Future...

Did you figure it out?  Did you notice the ‘something special’ in the first picture of the post from earlier today?   OK, well some of you know, some figured it out, and others…here you go…
I’M GETTING MARRIED!!             
In the most glorious of fashions, Greg had it all figured out and proposed to me 1 week ago today.  He chose to ask me to marry him while my parents and grandparents were in town “…for the football game”…yeah, right. 
It all started with a card earlier in the week which read:
Would you mind very much
If I had a little crush on you forever?

I would love to tell you that I knew it was coming and I saw all the hints…but I didn’t.   Per the usual, I was the last to know.  And looking back, I sure could have put all the pieces together. 
·         I didn’t see Dad give Greg the ring on Thursday night after they flew in from Seattle.
·         I didn’t catch on to the, “we haven’t hung out just us in a while, lets hang out for a bit before family dinner.”
·         I didn’t see Daniel & Anukina’s car in the parking lot (although apparently they parked a mile away so I wouldn’t).
·         I didn’t notice that Greg stole my scrapbook out of my room.
·         I was completely thrown off by Greg’s continuous asking if 6 months was long enough to plan a wedding. 

It was picture perfect.  I am not sure what the best words are to use here.  So as it was picture perfect, here are the pictures.
*Greg had made me this scrapbook after we had been dating for 1 year. 
He took it out of my room, updated it, and the last page of the scrapbook is this:
*He then took me to meet up with my family at Alvin's house:
*Mom Bette Hessler:
*Sisterface is excited too!
In the near future, a short 251 days from now, I will become Mrs. Gregory Hessler.
Thank you to everyone who continued to fool me, who let me talk as if they knew nothing was going on, who bit their tongue when they wanted to chime in, who took pictures and filmed the whole thing, who drove from all locations to celebrate with us.  I am continually blessed by those around me and I am excited to share this next adventure with you as well. 

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Dad,
Happy Birthday to you!


I hope you have a wonderfully relaxing day at the beach.  Remember:  it is your birthday, RELAX!  You can only be on your phone to experiment with your new iPhone…no business.  Thank you for everything you have done for me.  Your gift will be arriving later…sorry for the delay.  I am so happy that I got to spend last weekend with you for your birthday.  It sure was a great celebration weekend…
*ok, I realize this looks slightly awkward from this angle...but I was giving him a hug!

Here is a piture for you of your 3 favorite women.  We love you like crazy!
*Photo taken by Matt Weir

*P.S....notice anything special about picture #1...??

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Thoughts from Wednesday.

Ok, I had written this blog on Wednesday morning, and discovered today that I apparently never clicked POST.  So, now I have clicked post. 

Ok, I understand that those of you that have had cold, rainy, fall weather for quite some time might not understand this, but Fall has FINALLY arrived in Fresno. In fact, I have a feeling we are jumping straight to winter, but I don't mind. A few days ago it was nearly 85* and I got a sunburn. Today however, it is 65* and raining. It started raining in the middle of the night. It has hardly stopped since. You Northwesterners....this is our kind of rain. Not the typical Fresno drizzle. I can't believe it. I love the cold weather. I love the rain. I love wearing a scarf and mittens. I am ready!!

Thank you fall for FINALLY arriving, please do not go away any time soon.

P.S.  I finally got my opportunity to have a Pumpkin Spice Latte.  I have this attitude that I can't drink one unless it actually feels like fall outside.  Today it does!

*Friday:  I think I will get to drink another Pumpkin Spice today!  ...Still Fall!