Little Things

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Let's Go Fly A Kite

Apparently, we brought the sunshine again today.  Mom and Dad said that today was the best day they have seen in Ocean Shores since last fall.  I feel like I shouldn’t have to add this part, but I will…today was BEAUTIFUL!!!  We woke up and decided to take advantage of the break from the rain to clean the outside of the house.  At a house on the beach, this is quite a project that requires a special concoction of bleach, water, and a secret mold-canceling solution (Greg’s words).  P.S. It smells awful.  So, we spent the morning spraying the special stuff and washing it off with the pressure washer.  Dad, Greg, Riley and Lisa took care of this.  I followed behind after they were done and washed the windows.  I hadn’t realized until today that there are 17 windows (including sun-roof windows) on the house.  Oh well, it was a gorgeous view, especially from the roof. 

We finished that project and actually took advantage of the sunshine this time.  Mom packed us a picnic, we took the umbrella, footballs, kites, beach towels, books, and sunglasses down to the beach.  This was a perfect way to finish the afternoon. 
Dad and Greg were masters of the two-stringed kite and I couldn’t get this song out of my head.  I figure I will pass it on to you, so I am not the only one going bonkers with this song stuck in my head.
Let’s go fly a kite
Up to the highest height!
Let’s go fly a kite and send it soaring
Up through the atmosphere
Up where the air is clear
Oh, let’s go fly a kite!
On a side note, if you didn’t guess it, this song is from Mary Poppins.  I have just discovered that Greg has never seen this movie.  I almost started to sing the whole thing to him…that will be a future adventure for us to share together. 

Unfortunately, the kite broke on the last crash attempt I had made at landing it...
Today’s adventure finished with dinner at the Collins Inn where we ate way too much food! Again.  The day was priceless and exactly the reason I love being here. 

Friday, May 27, 2011

Seattle First

As you know, I grew up in Seattle.  The Northwest is one of my favorite places on earth.  I hope to spend the rest of my life living here.  Wednesday we took Lisa’s boyfriend, Riley to Seattle for the day.  Everyone that visits must experience Pike Place, the streets of Seattle, and the uniqueness that goes with it.  Following this we had lunch at University Village Pasta Co. which is one of our favorite spots for lunch.  All of this I have done before, often.  But on this same day, I did a Seattle first for me.
I am an adamant 12th man of the Seahawks, and a Mariners fan through and through; but I have never been to a Sounders game.  To my fairness, the team was founded after I moved to Fresno State.  But Wednesday, I fulfilled a Seattle Ffrst by going to a Seattle Sounders FC game.  Greg and I went with our dear friend Katie and her friend Matt.  Dad got tickets from Coke for us to go.  It was certainly a wonderful adventure.
I must first tell you about the tickets.  These tickets were in a club section.  This meant we had a separate entrance into the stadium, which by the way, is on the other side of the field and you have to walk there in the rain.  Then, you have to find the correct floor.  Which for us was the 3rd, not the 4th floor, although we did find the 4th floor...
 Once you get in, you are in the small portion of seats that are not rained on.  Since it rained the entire game, this was an absolute benefit.  Also, everything is included.  There is an area prior to the first kick where you can have dinner, all-you-can-eat and dessert.  Just before half-time they switch the food and have a round of snacks as well as a separate dessert.  This time, you can take the food with you back to your seats as to not miss a pass.  This includes coffee too!

Although we lost the game, it was a pleasure to be there, spending time with friends.  It was also great to watch the game with my true soccer fan...boyfriend.  He was very involved in the game.  I have watched him play, and watched games on T.V. with him, but this was a whole new side of Greg I have never seen.  Not to mention, I learned more about soccer in those 90 minutes than I have known about soccer my whole life.  What a day!!

P.S. The other pictures are on Katie's camera, so I will just have to add them later....

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Summer Chore

A summer tradition happened yesterday, with a twist.  Every summer for the past 14 years we have had a day set aside to wash and wax our boat, to get us ready for summer, and to bring on the sun with our banana yellow boat.  Growing up, this seemed like a major chore; it took all day, and dad was way too picky.  As we got older, our friends came to help us get the boat ready which made it much easier and more fun.  (Not to mention, our work ethic changed a bit with age and it didn’t quite take all day.)  Yesterday, we had this chore again, but it was different.  Our boyfriends were here to help!  I think this is the first time Lisa and I have both had boyfriends at home.  What a fun experience this is for us!  Plus, dad has some guys in the house to help him out-vote watching the Biggest Loser finale, which otherwise would have been watched last night. 
Yes, as you have guessed, I am in the great Northwest.  Those of you that are here, you can thank me later for the sunshine that we brought with us.  Sorry though, our powers were only strong enough for one day.  Anyway, summer is here and I am home where I love to be, with the people I love.
And now, the boat is ready!  Tomorrow we will search for the strongest most durable tubes, which have all the particulars that tube-snobs like us desire on a tube.  Then it will be official and we are ready for the sunshine.
*We warned Riley not to trade jobs with Lisa...she always gets the "little sister" job.

Today, we are off for adventures in the wonderful city of Seattle.  I am sure you will hear about them soon…

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Bulldog Blood

This weekend celebrates the 100th anniversary of Fresno State.  Yesterday the 100th class graduated from our school.  However, it was not always called California State University, Fresno.  It began in 1911 as Fresno Normal School.  This was a school for women to become teachers. 
You may have caught this little tid-bit from my last blog, but you may also have missed this detail: I have Bulldog blood.  I have always said that I have Bulldog blood, but until recently I did not know how true this was.  There has been all kinds of preparation for this special year in Bulldog history, part of which has been to research our past and discover our part in history.  I happened to stumble into a situation where I was interviewed because of my family connection to Fresno State.  Because of the interview, I called my Grandma to find more family details and we began a search of our family tree together.  I must say, she did most of the work…I just passed it onto the magazine.  Thanks Grandma!!  Our family is in the Special Edition article from Fresno Magazine.  As soon as I can figure out how, I will upload the article from the magazine.
In 1918 my Great-Great-Grandmother Louise Smith graduated from Fresno Normal School.  Here is a picture of their graduating class newspaper that my family has kept.  She is in the first row, third from the right. 
From then on, my family has been part of the Bulldog tradition.  This is including my grandparents Dick and Carol Wylie.  They graduated in the early 1953 and 1950.  Eventually, it comes to me, number 33!  I knew when I was deciding which school to attend, there was something special about Fresno State.  I REALLY wanted to be a Bulldog.  All to discover, it is because being a Fresno State Bulldog is in my blood.  Now, the tradition is all the way to my sister, as number 34.  What a wonderful tradition to be apart of and maybe someday, someone else will continue our family history with the Fresno State Bulldogs. 
So, Happy 100th Birthday Fresno State!
I will leave you with this quote, which alum often use when their children attend Fresno State, which rings truer to me than most. 
“Bulldog born, Bulldog bred; I’m going to be a Bulldog till the day I’m dead!”
The Alum at last year's 99th Graduation Ceremony...i.e. I Graduated!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Ok, this post seems to be passing through the blog world, so I am going to join the band-wagon.  It got underway by someone; got to a blog that Elise reads, and was passed on from there.  I saw it on the blogs of two dear friends of mine (that happen to be sisters, Laura Agaba and Elise Jordan).  They posted about "little-knowns"--things that people, even close friends, might not know about them and invited others to do the same. 
Ok, I must admit I did not think of all these little known quirks and things about me all on my own.  Greg helped me out while we were on our lunch date.  So, here goes nothing…
Ok, I think my list is plenty long for now.  Those of you that know me, I am sure you could list many many more.  That’s just what makes me…ME!
o   My favorite flower is a Daisy because of the scene in You’ve Got Mail where Tom Hanks brought Meg Ryan Daisies when she was sick in bed.  She responds with, “I love Daisies.  They're so friendly. Don't you think Daisies are the friendliest flower?”
o   My favorite dresses I have ever worn were all made by my mother.
o   I love the smell of a cigar.
o   My favorite number is 13 – who says it is bad luck?
o   I want two dogs named Daisy and Duke.  No, I have never seen the movie.
o   I will always be the 12th man of a game in Seattle.
o   Most people have a sweet tooth; I have a salt tooth.
o   I am attempting to be bilingual.
o   I collect Starbucks mugs from every major city I have visited.
o   I know what it means when something happens “once in a blue moon”  (If you don’t know, don’t use the phrase…as my dad would say).
o   I would love to cook like Julia Childs every night of the week.
o   I enjoy eating breakfast for dinner.
o   I have Fresno State Bulldog blood.  I am the 33rd member of my family to go to Fresno State University.  “Bulldog born, Bulldog bred, I am going to be a Bulldog until the day I’m dead!”
o   I have built my own dock - Ok, with the help of my dad.
o   If you ask me, my favorite color is purple.  If you observe my color choices, my favorite color is yellow.
o   I prefer the 4th of July over Christmas. 
o   I have only lost one game of NERTS.
o   Popcorn is good for every meal.
o   I love pigs.  And snorting runs in the family; it must be genetic. 
Now it’s your turn…if you blog post your “little-knowns” for your friends to smile about as they read them and remember those quirks they have experience with you.   Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Nasty to Nifty

The other night we (Makenna, Matt, Lisa, Greg, Me) were doing some homework and having a chit-chat for the evening.  I had asked Matt to show me how to use the Macro lens he gave me for my camera, because ever since my birthday, I have just not been able to master it.  He said it was easy and he could show me almost instantly. Next came dinner.  We all cooked dinner together.  Talk about too many cooks in the kitchen, although the guys were on the BBQ.   Not the point, the point is after dinner we went to clean the dishes and found a friend, or lack thereof in our sink.  Gross!  Nasty!  Ewwww!  How this friend got there, no clue; up the drain somehow.  But sick...really, in our sink?!
On the positive side, Matt took this as the perfect opportunity to teach me how to use the Macro lens on my camera.  Cool!  Neat!  Incredible!  Therefore, meet Gary.  Yes, my sister would name even the snail in our sink.
 *Nifty!  Did you ever look at a snail so close?
*I bet you might think about it next time... 
FYI: For those of you that have a Macro lens, or might think about using one in the future...It is all in the location of the camera compared to the object.  It has nothing to do with the twist of your wrist; its all about your head.  These pictures are pretty much compliments of Matt; I am still working on the process.  Thanks Matt!!
P.S. No snails were harmed in the taking of these pictures.  Gary was returned safely to the garden when we were finished. 

Friday, May 13, 2011


Summer is almost here… Summer is almost here… Summer is almost here… Summer is almost here… Summer is almost here… Summer is almost here… Summer is almost here… Summer is almost here… Summer is almost here… Summer is almost here… Summer is almost here… Summer is almost here… Summer is almost here… Summer is almost here… Summer is almost here… Summer is almost here… Summer is almost here… Summer is almost here… Summer is almost here… Summer is almost here…

All week I have been reminding myself of this.  I know I already discussed this, but the week before finals is tough.  The list of projects is longer than there are hours in the day, and the studying for finals needs to begin, and needed to yesterday.  

My mom sent this picture the other day, thinking of me, and I thought I would pass it on to you.  It is just one more sign that summer is almost here.  Thanks mom for the encouragement; it’s funny how you have a way of encouraging without even speaking of what needs to be done.  
There is nothing better than a summer night with a perfect marshmallow roasted over a bonfire.  Just to clarify, the fire is built specifically with marshmallows in mind, leaving perfect roasting spots around the outside.  The stick is a real stick, preferably one that I have sanded the tip down every summer I can remember before the 4th of July.  A perfect marshmallow, as I was taught by my dad, is warmed to the middle and golden brown on the outside, definitely not burned; those are for the lake.

Ok summer, I am ready.  I am ready for the ideal bonfire with the perfect marshmallow roasted over it.  Dad, please have the bonfire ready…I want my marshmallow in 10 days and counting.  Don’t worry; I will help you sand the sticks down to the point.   J

Monday, May 9, 2011


I have a guest writer with me today.  She is no one new to you, most of you know her quite well; it’s Lisa.  Today, we want to recognize the woman that brought us into this world.  We cannot begin to describe the impact she has had on our lives, just that we are blessed.  Our mother has taught us so many life lessons along with other mottos to live by.  Here are the ones that have stuck with us the most, the ones that Lisa and I can probably say without thinking anything of it:
·         Always bring a jacket – you just never know where you will get cold
·         It’s never too early for the Christmas lights
·         I will catch you if you fall
·         Don’t forget the list on the kitchen table
·         She can make it cheaper than you can buy it
·         Don’t talk with your mouth full
·         Your shoes can never be too much color
·         Chevy’s nachos always come after a long day of shopping
·         Look both ways before you cross the street
·         A bathroom should have stripes; it just should
·         “Did you turn everything off?”
·         Hand sanitizer should be in your purse and your car
·         Baseball games include a moose and garlic fries
·         If you finish the yard work before the 4th of July, you don’t have to do it anymore
·         You should learn how to stuff a turkey from your mom
·         Keep your clothes off your floor
·         A little paint can go a long way
·         Always wash your hands before dinner
·         I hope you marry someone just like your father
·         That’s what family is for

This morning at church our pastor had all the women recite this nursery rhyme, to which I am sure you will read in the same sing-song style that is the only way a nursery rhyme can be said.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall;
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the King's horses
And all the King's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again!
You know the problem with this?  There are no women involved!  Humpty’s mom could have put him back together. 

Thanks mom for always putting us back together when we fall apart.  We would not be the girls we are today wtihout your love and support.
We love you bunches!

Also, thank you to the women, whether mothers or not, but women other than our own mother who have impacted our lives; grandmas, family friends, friends, hair-stylists, mothers of children we baby-sit; the list could go on and on.  You have also touched our lives.  Thank you!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Sisterface Day!

The Importance Of A Sister
© Shiv Sharma
A sister is someone who loves you from the heart,
No matter how much you argue you cannot be drawn apart.
She is a joy that cannot be taken away,
Once she enters your life, she is there to stay.

A friend who helps you through difficult times,
Her comforting words are worth much more than dimes.
A partner who fills your life with laughs and smile,
These memories last for miles and miles.

When she is by your side, the world is filled with life,
When she is not around, your days are full of strife.
A sister is a blessing, who fills your heart with love,
She flies with you in life with the beauty of a dove.

A companion to whom you can express your feelings,
She doesn’t let you get bored at family dealings.
Whether you are having your ups or downs,
She always helps you with a smile and never frowns.

With a sister you cannot have a grudge,
She is as sweet as chocolate and as smooth as fudge.
Having a sister is not just a trend,
It is knowing you can always turn to her, your best friend.
Today minus 20 years, is the day I became a big sister.   Today is a very special day; it is my sisterface’s birthday.  She is 20 years old today.  For some reason this surprises me, even though I am 23 and minus 3 equals 20.  The math doesn’t change.  Simle. 
She has been by my side through thick and thin; happies and sads; Big Birds and Tinkerbells.
It is very difficult to put my sister into words.  She is a woman of God.  She is my sister.  She is a daughter.  She is a granddaughter.  She is a girlfriend.  She is a name sake of Aunt Lisa.  She is a friend.  I cannot tell you with my vocabulary how great she is, I can simply describe what she is.  Anyone that knows her knows the passion she has for life and the people closest to her.  If you do not know her, you should.  She will make you laugh so hard you cry (or if it is me or Grandma Carol snort), she will make your heart whimper a little at the nearest animal, she will get you lost on the way to our house (no matter where you are), she will make the best chocolate chip cookies ever!  Even if I follow the recipe to the tee, they just don’t taste the same.
Tonight we had a wonderful dinner at a restaurant called Eureka Burger (the second best burgers in town, next to Dog House).

Now it is off to a game of Nerts, the best card game in the world.  The game at which Lisa rarely gets beat and I almost never get beat.  Now that I have said that, Lisa just might beat me for the first time ever tonight…maybe I will let her win as a birthday gift from me.  Maybe not. 
Anyway, I am blessed to have this wonderful young woman beside me through our 20 years together and I cannot wait for the next 20 years and more.

Happy Birthday To You!
Happy Birthday To You!
Happy Birthday Dear Sisterface,
Happy birthday To You!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Don't Forget To Breathe!

I usually have some event that I choose to blog about or something that happened in the last few days that I have great excitement to share with you.  I do have something exciteting to share with you, but it is not something that has already happened; it is for the future.
Although, yesterday Makenna and I went to the gym in the morning ran 3 miles and lifted weights then walked to Greg’s softball game in the evening which adds another 4.88 miles to our log for the day; totaling almost 8 miles for the day.  I guess that is my something exciting, however my legs can feel every step today.  Now on to the point:
School is winding down!  It is my last semester as a full time student at Fresno State University while working on my second degree.  I officially have 6 more days of classes, 3 finals to take, 2 more study sessions to teach, 2 more classes to T.A., 2 projects to complete, 1 paper to finish, and 1 interview to have (and be accepted, hopefully).  Although the list seems long as I am writing it down, it is very short compared to where it began. 
For those of you in Fresno; don’t freak.  I’m not leaving yet.   Smile.  For those of you in Seattle, I’m not quite there, but I am getting closer to moving back…a few more months of patience.  Simle.  I am undecided at the moment if I will be more sad or excited, but I will not discuss that now.  I am focusing on finishing the semester. 
The last few weeks of the semester always seem the hardest.  Maybe it is because we are 14 weeks finished of a 16 week semester, and that is a long time to focus on a few specifics.  Maybe it is because it is warm, dare I say hot, outside and I don’t want to do anything but sit by a pool and read a book for fun.  Maybe it is because now the end is in sight and there is good reason to think about the days when school is finally over.  Maybe, like most students, it is the crunch time to finish everything that I haven’t previously seen the necessity to finish immediately. 
Whatever the case, tonight is the night to take a deep breath and push to the end.  Tomorrow begins the process to the end.  I just thought I would pass along the message reminding you to take a deep breath and keep going.  Time is eventually your friend, because it means you have reached the finish-line.  It is only your enemy for a few brief moments as you are struggling to race the clock.    Sooner or later, it will all end.  You and time will meet together (for me on May 19th) whether it got finished the way you wanted or not.  That is when the true relaxation begins, but time will be your friend again. Don’t Forget To Breathe!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Lion Song

Easter is a time of remembrance; remembering what was done for us on the cross and what happened three days later.    Our debts were paid and sins were forgiven.  Thank you Father for giving your Son to the world to save me.  Thank you Jesus for following your Father’s plan for your life, all the while knowing you would die for me.
What a great Easter I had and as I remember it, I will let you know how it went.  It started at church.  I went to the second gathering where Dale spoke and we had some incredible worship.  We have started singing a song at our gatherings, which as Hailey (a beautiful little one of a family that I love to hang out with and babysit for) fondly calls the “Lion Song.”  It is by The David Crowder Band called “Like a Lion.”  I have added the lyrics so you may better understand how wonderful it is and how precious it is for young children to constantly request it and sing it at any given moment. 
Let Love Explode!
Let love explode and bring the dead to life
A love so bold to see a revolution somehow
Let love explode and bring the dead to life
A love so bold to bring a revolution somehow

Now I'm lost in your freedom
This world I'll overcome

My God is not dead
He's surely alive
He's living on the inside
Roaring like a lion

Let hope arise and make the darkness hide
My faith is cold, I need a resurrection somehow

Let Heaven roar and fire fall
Come shake the ground
With the sound of revival
If you prefer to hear it…here you go:  (p.s. I am quite proud of my technology abilities at the moment).   Like A Lion

Next, J-High had our gathering outside.  What a wonderful way to discuss what was done, sitting outside, enjoying the spring air and green grass (which undoubtedly will not be green for much longer, since the Fresno summer is just around the corner).
Following church, I was off and making my mom’s famous artichoke dip for the Easter dinner appetizer and we all headed off to Alvin’s house.  By we, I mean Greg, Lisa, Riley - Lisa’s boyfriend, and me.  For those of you who do not know Alvin, let me introduce you. 
Alvin is my mom’s cousin’s grandpa.  Aka, Aunt Lisa’s grandpa also known as Gaggy.  This summer he will turn 101.  Last summer we had a great big party for his 100th birthday where he danced the night away…literally.  Alvin remembers everything, and I mean everything; dates, events, special moments, random moments.  He also knows the secret to growing the most incredible roses and making the best drink, ‘The Alvin Special’.  Even though the recipe is quite simple (I will not divulge the info) it is just not the same if Alvin doesn’t make it. 
*A small portion of the roses in the backyard
*Cheers to mom who was attempting to make her own Alvin Special at home. 
Thanks for my Easter apron!

So, Alvin’s house is the party house and Easter is no different.  As always, there were too many cooks in the kitchen and everything was getting done faster than necessary, or we make too much chaos and Aunt Nene sends us all out of the kitchen, usually the latter. 
*Before we got kicked out.  I promise we did not intend to all match :)

We stopped that quickly and played our traditional game of bocce ball.  Greg and I are the undefeated duo at the moment.  Alvin says we should have bet on it. Hehe. 
*The "kids" as we are still known after getting kicked out of the kitchen.
*Yes, we mean business, down to the length of toes...
Dinner was spectacular and per usual dinners at Gaggy’s, we were stuffed.  Too stuffed.  As in, uncomfortable that so much food was just eaten, stuffed.  We still made room for dessert and then we quickly cleaned the kitchen and all headed to our perspective houses before the food coma set it and we would all be spending the night at Alvin’s. 
*Greg and Riley showing off how full they are...

As I said before, it was an incredible Easter.  May we all remember to live like a roaring lion knowing that our God is not dead, He is surely alive!