Little Things

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Nasty to Nifty

The other night we (Makenna, Matt, Lisa, Greg, Me) were doing some homework and having a chit-chat for the evening.  I had asked Matt to show me how to use the Macro lens he gave me for my camera, because ever since my birthday, I have just not been able to master it.  He said it was easy and he could show me almost instantly. Next came dinner.  We all cooked dinner together.  Talk about too many cooks in the kitchen, although the guys were on the BBQ.   Not the point, the point is after dinner we went to clean the dishes and found a friend, or lack thereof in our sink.  Gross!  Nasty!  Ewwww!  How this friend got there, no clue; up the drain somehow.  But sick...really, in our sink?!
On the positive side, Matt took this as the perfect opportunity to teach me how to use the Macro lens on my camera.  Cool!  Neat!  Incredible!  Therefore, meet Gary.  Yes, my sister would name even the snail in our sink.
 *Nifty!  Did you ever look at a snail so close?
*I bet you might think about it next time... 
FYI: For those of you that have a Macro lens, or might think about using one in the future...It is all in the location of the camera compared to the object.  It has nothing to do with the twist of your wrist; its all about your head.  These pictures are pretty much compliments of Matt; I am still working on the process.  Thanks Matt!!
P.S. No snails were harmed in the taking of these pictures.  Gary was returned safely to the garden when we were finished. 

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